Everyone wants that amazing bright and healthy white smile. Unfortunately, our daily habits can hinder those types of results and teeth can darken or discolor over time.  Normal habits such as the drinks we take in (tea, coffee, soda, red wine) or habits like cigarette or cigar smoking will hinder us from that smile that’s desired.   For these reasons, we offer two types of whitening methods: in office and take home teeth whitening service which can brighten your smile by several shades.

There are many benefits to in office whitening methods, some include:

  • Speedy and convenient treatment
  • Safe treatment under the care of a health professional
  • Ensure even results based on the staining of your teeth
  • Can whiten your teeth by an average of 5 or more shades in just one sitting
  • With proper post op care, long term results
  • Take home trays and gel are distributed at the end of your appointment to continue upkeep at home